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Senior Backend Engineer (f/m/d) - Sport Products


In direct relation with Decathlon's various Sport brands (Kipsta, Domyos, Quechua, ...), the Sport Products domain implements tools and methods that enable every user, country, and team to identify, choose, create, and co-develop the best products for our athletes. Decathlon promises to sell flawless sports products. Therefore, we develop solutions to track activity, analyze issues, and trigger coordinated actions across our 72 countries to swiftly remove or correct a defective product from sale.

What is the Product Data subdomain?

We are responsible for collecting, enriching, and disseminating product communication information globally. This information flows throughout our IS, from product offering to design to commerce (both physical and online). Working directly with the engineering manager, 4 developers, and a product manager, you will be part of the SPID team. This product aims to collect design and offer data, enrich it (marketing and localization), and transmit the data to the rest of the IS (global websites, logistics, stores, customer service, etc.).

If you're passionate about tackling technological challenges related to latency, reliability, and fault tolerance, and you want to focus on building robust, high-performance systems that offer reliable services to users, then don't hesitate to apply!


Your responsibilities within an agile team (SCRUM + continuous delivery):


  • Participate in breaking down user stories into technical tasks.
  • Conduct technical analysis and detailed studies.
  • Prototype.
  • Ensure compliance with the Definition of Ready.


  • Ensure compliance with the testing strategy (TDD, BDD, unit tests, integration tests, etc.).
  • Maintain code quality (readability, documentation, maintainability).
  • Improve the technical quality of the product (library version upgrades, framework, refactoring, etc.).
  • Conduct code reviews (Code Review).
  • Set up the test pyramid.
  • Ensure application security.
  • Contribute to improving production monitoring to meet SLIs/SLOs (Service Level Indicators / Service Level Objectives).

Development (alone, in pair programming, in mob programming):

  • Develop backlog tasks in Feature-First mode.
  • Fix production issues as needed.
  • Respect the different stages of the Definition of Done.
  • Contribute to improving the technical architecture of the platform.
  • Integrate security into daily development.
  • Contribute to the functional and technical documentation of the application.


  • Deploy the product via the continuous integration and deployment chain.
  • Implement deployment strategies such as canary release, feature flipping, etc.
  • Evolve and maintain the deployment chain.
  • Ensure the build is always "green".

Team's technical environment:

  • Back-end: Java 17 & 21, Spring, Quarkus, Spring Boot.
  • Front-end: ReactJS, Typescript, AngularJS.
  • Cloud: Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
  • Deployment: Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform. 
  • Solution and infrastructure observability: Datadog, Synthetics.
  • Collaborative tools: GitHub, Confluence, Jira, Google Workspace, Slack.


  • 2 days of telecommuting per week;
  • Possibility to work in one of Decathlon Digital's offices in Lille or Paris;
  • Equipment provided following your missions and our societal commitments (Mac, Windows, or Chromebooks);
  • A local project team within a global network (possibility of international career);
  • Skills development and support (diversity of projects, technical certifications from the first year, internal and external training, etc.);
  • Compensation package (employee participation in company actions, monthly/quarterly bonuses)



What if technology allowed us to push the boundaries and take sports experiences to new levels? That's exactly our goal at Decathlon Digital! We are a team of 5,000+ experts in software engineering, product management, data, cloud, and cybersecurity, distributed across Paris, Lille, and Amsterdam. Together, we are creating the largest digital sports platform, leveraging tech innovation from design to value chain optimization, connected experiences and product second life.

Changing the game for good. We are in this for the love of sports. And like everything we love, we want it to last. That’s why we are embarking on a journey to create a more sustainable tech model, reducing our direct environmental impact while maintaining a safe, diverse, and inclusive space for all our people to learn and thrive together. Team up with us to design the digital future of sports.

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RGPD : Lorsque vous postulez à une offre d'emploi sur ce site, les données personnelles concernant votre candidature seront collectées par Decathlon SE, (" Responsable du traitement "), qui est situé au 4 Boulevard de Mons 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq. Vos données personnelles seront traitées aux fins de la gestion des activités de recrutement du Responsable du traitement. Vos données personnelles seront conservées par Decathlon SE pendant la durée nécessaire à l'évaluation de votre candidature à un emploi sans que cette durée n'excède 2 ans. 


  • Vous disposez du droit d'accéder à vos données personnelles, de demander qu'elles soient rectifiées, effacées, et de demander que leur traitement soit limité.
  • Vous disposez également du droit de demander leur portabilité.
  • Vous pouvez accéder à ces droits en cliquant ici.
  • Par ailleurs, vous pouvez également consulter notre politique de confidentialité pour plus d'informations sur les traitements effectués.


GDPR : When you apply to a job on this site, the personal data contained in your application will be collected by Decathlon SE, (“Controller”), which is located at 4 Boulevard de Mons 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq.  Your personal data will be processed for the purposes of managing Controller’s recruitment related activities. Your personal data will be retained by Controller as long as Controller determines it is necessary to evaluate your application for employment but for no longer than 2 years. 


  • You have the right to request access to your personal data, to request that your personal data be rectified or erased, and to request that processing of your personal data be restricted.
  • You also have the right to data portability. You can request these rights by clicking here. 
  • In addition, you can also visit our privacy policy for more information on the processing carried out.



RGPD : Lorsque vous postulez à une offre d'emploi sur ce site, les données personnelles concernant votre candidature seront collectées par Decathlon SE, (" Responsable du traitement "), qui est situé au 4 Boulevard de Mons 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq. Vos données personnelles seront traitées aux fins de la gestion des activités de recrutement du Responsable du traitement. Vos données personnelles seront conservées par Decathlon SE pendant la durée nécessaire à l'évaluation de votre candidature à un emploi sans que cette durée n'excède 2 ans. 


  • Vous disposez du droit d'accéder à vos données personnelles, de demander qu'elles soient rectifiées, effacées, et de demander que leur traitement soit limité.
  • Vous disposez également du droit de demander leur portabilité.
  • Vous pouvez accéder à ces droits en cliquant ici.
  • Par ailleurs, vous pouvez également consulter notre politique de confidentialité pour plus d'informations sur les traitements effectués.


GDPR : When you apply to a job on this site, the personal data contained in your application will be collected by Decathlon SE, (“Controller”), which is located at 4 Boulevard de Mons 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq.  Your personal data will be processed for the purposes of managing Controller’s recruitment related activities. Your personal data will be retained by Controller as long as Controller determines it is necessary to evaluate your application for employment but for no longer than 2 years. 


  • You have the right to request access to your personal data, to request that your personal data be rectified or erased, and to request that processing of your personal data be restricted.
  • You also have the right to data portability. You can request these rights by clicking here. 
  • In addition, you can also visit our privacy policy for more information on the processing carried out.

Diversity & non discrimination policy / Politique de diversité et de non discrimination

As part of our diversity and non-discrimination policy, Decathlon Digital wants to ensure that gender, disability, or age of our candidates are not a factor in our decision. If you wish, we suggest that you provide us with this information. This data will be anonymized and used in the macro analysis of the diversity of applications received. This information will be kept separate from your application and will have no effect on its processing.


Dans le cadre de sa politique de diversité et de non discrimination, Decathlon Digital souhaite s'assurer que le genre, le handicap, ou l'âge de nos candidat·e·s ne sont pas des facteurs de décision. Si tu le souhaites, nous te proposons de nous indiquer ces informations. Ces données seront anonymisées et utilisées dans l'analyse macro de la diversité des candidatures reçues. Ces informations seront séparées de ta candidature et n'auront donc aucun effet sur le traitement de celle-ci.
